New Art Lands in the Woodlands

The Houston Chronicle reports on four new sculptures being installed at Hughes Landing, a new development in The Woodlands, developer George Mitchell’s suburban enclave north of Houston. The pieces are the most recent of 80 purchased so far and sited in the Woodlands with money from the Woodlands Art Fund, set aside from commercial land sales and fees by George Mitchell.

Yvonne Domenge,Wind Waves

Yvonne Domenge,Wind Waves

Yvonne Domenge’s flashy, red Wind Waves, which was displayed temporarily at Hermann Park last year, will be permanently sited by a lake.

“We think it’s dramatic and it fits the concept of the lake situation,” said Peter Doyle, executive vice president of design and construction for The Howard Hughes Corp., which chose the piece. “We want things to be provocative and contemporary.”

Fenris Glacier by Julie Speidel Photo: David Hopper

Fenris Glacier by Julie Speidel Photo: David Hopper

West coast artist Julie Speidel‘s Fenris Glacier, a set of angular, ten-foot stainless steel boulders, will be sited nearby on Hughes Landing Boulevard.

“We wanted something that was strong, dramatic,” Doyle said.

John Runnels' piece at Sabine St.

John Runnels’ piece at Sabine St.

Houston artist John Runnels’ Dream Boat, a steel canoe like those by the Sabine St. bridge in downtown Houston, will be installed at the entry to a Wetland Garden on Aviator Way and Hughes Landing Blvd.

“We wanted something that related to water,” Doyle said. “It’s a provocative structure.”

John Clement, Firefly

John Clement, Firefly

One of New York artist John Clement’s Fireflies, a bright yellow coil of steel pipe, will be installed in front of a nearby office building.

“Our intent was to do something interesting and different,” Doyle said.



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