April 30 - April 30,2020
Join Devin Kenny for a preview of his performance essay ‘dando on our YouTube channel.
‘dando, short for ritardando, means to slow tempo gradually to 20 hertz, the lowest frequency the average human ear can hear. In creating ‘dando (module), Kenny draws from the overlapping histories of chopped and screwed and cumbias rebajadas as well as the 50th year anniversary of the Apollo 13 mission. This audio work borrows from mixtape and deejay culture, podcast tropes, and Kenny’s own performance essay methodology to deliver a surprising combination of found audio, original speech, poetry, and music. Kenny presents ‘dando in honor of the legacies of DJ Screw and GayVapeShark.
Contemporary Arts Museum Houston - CAMH
5216 Montrose Boulevard
Houston, TX 77006
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