May 10 - May 16,2020
HCAS and PSA (Pleasure.Style.Attitude.) present a FREE week-long virtual screening of seven films by two contemporary experimentalists whose work exists at the juncture of personal expression and cultural memory. Sky Hopinka’s films explore the spiritual and aesthetic traditions of First Peoples within the U.S., while Simon Liu’s work delineates the richness and anxiety of diaspora, existing between the U.S., the U.K., and Hong Kong. Beginning Sunday, May 10th at 10am and extending to Saturday, May 16th at 10pm, those who register can view the program via a shared vimeo link. And on Wednesday, May 13 at 7pm CST, we will conduct a live virtual Q&A with both Sky and Simon on YouTube Live, moderated by programmer Michael Sicinski. This event is supported in part by the City of Dallas Office of Arts and Culture 2020 Arts Activate funding.