October 03 - October 03,2020
Note: This event is online-only. To watch the upcoming livestream, go here. "Join the Visual Arts Alliance Saturday, October 3 at 11:00 a.m. as Susana Monteverde sits down with Venezuelan-American visual artist Luisa Duarte to discuss recurring themes in Luisa’s work, including territoriality, Luisa’s cultural background, and her professional career as an architect. Luisa will reflect on the challenge of separating the influences of geometric abstraction from her work as an architect. This program will be live streamed on VAA’s Facebook page athttps://www.facebook.com/visual.arts.alliance/live/. Luisa Duarte currently lives and works in Houston. As an artist with formal training in architecture, Duarte found early inspiration in the geometric abstraction movement, which is loosely referenced in her work. Line and color provide structural bases for explorations around fragility, the space(s) we inhabit, and its limits. She holds a degree in Architecture from the University of Zulia, Venezuela, and has followed independent studies in printmaking, digital art, painting and art history. Duarte's work has been exhibited in the US and abroad. Selected achievements include being Artist of the month for April 2019 at the Museum of Geometric and Madi Art in Dallas, Texas, and receiving a Houston Arts Alliance and the City of Houston Initiative Grant. Susana Mondeverde is currently the Program Director at the Katherine G. McGovern College of Arts at The University of Houston. As Principal of Art Indulgence, LLC, Susana has a passion for expanding the audience for contemporary art and cultivating clients for art education. Visual Arts Alliance (VAA) is an educational organization for serious practitioners of the visual arts and interested members of the general public. Founded in Houston, TX in 1981, VAA is an all-volunteer-run, 501(c)3, nonprofit organization. In addition to educational and recreational programs, VAA produces professionally juried art exhibitions providing opportunities for members and non-members to have their work professionally judged and viewed by the public. For membership details and more information, visit www.visualartsalliance.org"