

September 29 - December 30,2020

View this exhibition online here. From the gallery: "McClain Gallery is pleased to present an online exhibition of recent work by Anne Deleporte (b. 1960, Corsica, France), a New York-based, multi-media artist who has always been fascinated with the phenomena of disappearance. True to Deleporte’s signature practice of covering up to reveal, her videos, paintings, and photos engage themes of identity and enigma. The focus of her online exhibition is the Lightning series, which finds the artist working directly with a newspaper press: utilizing inked rollers and running through uncut lengths of newsprint. After being squeezed between the rollers, the paper wrinkles, bunches, and unevenly accepts ink. The artist then lays out the offcuts to zero in on interesting areas, flattening the wrinkled paper and cutting it down into smaller sheets.  Areas once covered by folds are revealed inkless. Sharper delineations start to resemble lightning bolts in a night sky. While Deleporte's work relies heavily on process, these found drawings are tied intrinsically to abstract painting and the nature of printmaking. There is an elegant friction between the mechanical means and the likeness to natural phenomena.  Struck by lightning at the age of 19, the poetry of the artist's presence seeps through to add a biographical undertone to the ephemeral imagery. For more information, inquire with us directly via email at"

McClain Gallery 2242 Richmond Avenue
Houston, TX 77098
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