
MODERN BILLINGS: Carlos and Emily Donjuan

August 06 - September 12,2021

From the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth:
"With the support of Clear Channel Outdoor, the Education Department of the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth announces the eighth iteration of MODERN BILLINGS.
Using space from Clear Channel Outdoor as programming sites, Assistant Curators of Education Jesse Morgan Barnett and Tiffany Wolf Smith work with artists to situate imagery and text onto billboards, elements of the city that traditionally present commercial advertisements rather than cultural curiosities. For MODERN BILLINGS, artists place works, three times per year, into under-served communities along the periphery of downtown Fort Worth.
By featuring works along Jacksboro Highway and the Lancaster corridor in Fort Worth, MODERN BILLINGS extends the reach of the Modern and the Education Department into new communities. The large-scale installations provide an intervention opportunity for contemporary art in urban landscapes while offering a public exhibition platform for artists.
Information on this season and past series is available at"

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