November 20 - January 09,2022
From Rockport Center for the Arts:
"Currents features new work by participating members, with all media represented, including paintings, sculptures, ceramics, and pottery. From this show, next year’s Merit Artists will be selected by a guest juror to participate in next year’s Standing Out exhibition.
“The annual all-member show highlights our family of artists and provides an opportunity for an elite group to stand out as Merit Artists the following year,” said Luis Purón, executive director of RCA. “This year marks the start of a new tradition to host the two shows concurrently since Currents is the source of artists for Standing Out.“
This identity of this year’s Currents guest juror, who also happens to be the 2022 Poster Artist for the Rockport Art Festival, will be revealed Saturday, Dec. 11, at a special reception from 5–7 p.m. in RCA’s main gallery, along with their Merit Artist selections for next year’s Standing Out exhibition. Free and open to the public, the event features work available for purchase from both exhibitions. The reception will be part of the final Rockport Art Loop of the year, a free, alfresco, walkable art experience featuring RCA and other galleries located in downtown Rockport.
“Standing Out continues to be a favorite show each year because it showcases the breadth and depth of talent among our many member artists,” says Elena Rodriguez, curator of exhibitions for Rockport Center for the Arts. “The amazing scope of work included each year no doubt presents a challenge for our guest juror to select only three.”
Rockport Center for the Arts
638 E. Market St.
Rockport, TX 78382
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