"Redbud Gallery is excited to present works by Shang-Yi Hua, titled "Pursuit of Oneness". Her creations of beautiful sculptures utilizing natural as well as man made materials to tell her stories of hope and love invite the viewer to enter her interpretive journey.
Free and open to the public.
Artist Statement:
I think of the process of making sculptures as keeping a diary to record what touches and inspires me, as well as what happens around me. Most of my subjects and ideas originate from meditating on various aspects of my inner journey, providing insight on the natural materials that I select.
When I create a sculpture, I usually have an image already in my mind; sometimes it is Chinese calligraphy, and other times it is something simpler and more organic. I produce work that merges natural and artificial materials, East and West cultures, or spirituality and personal reality. I use various techniques such as applying heat to acrylic, making resin molds, welding, woodworking, and Kintsugi to form visual and physical connections in my art practice.
Being an artist for me is creating a space for the viewer to have free and individual interpretation of my spiritual pursuit. I hope that viewers are compelled to walk life's journey with me through my artworks."