Visions: A Celebration of the Creativity of The Jung Center Community
May 20 - June 29,2023
From the Jung Center:
"Once a year, The Jung Center showcases the artwork of its students, members, instructors, volunteers, and staff. The artists work in a variety of media to explore their own inner journeys and find meaning in everyday life.
Brandy Watkins, Brooke Summers-Perry, Catherine Kleinhans, Cindy Shung, Celine Derya Tarhan, Deborah Gersh, Ellesar Massoud, Gail Adams, Hilda Rueda, Jaymes Earl, Jean King, Jo Zider, Joan Son, Joe Adams, Joel H. McGlasson, Judith Shamp, Kathryn Rabinow, Keddy Ann Outlaw, Lise M. Liddell, Liz , Plaster, Margo Sutts Toombs, Marilyn Lewis, Natalie Kassenyeva, Paul Coons, Peihong, Dong Endris, Robert Levy, Rodney Harrill, Rosalinda Gonzalez, Shirley Beyer, Stephanie, Kaldis Fox, Susana McCollom, Suzanne Harrill, Tatum Banks, Tommy Taylor, W E Elliott"
Reception: June 03, 2023 | 7-9 pm
Jung Center Houston
5200 Montrose Blvd
Houston, TX 77006
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