May 31 - July 20,2024
From Arts Fort Worth:
"Living Things is a slow contemplation of living bodies and their surfaces through the lens of five artists: Liz Markum, Erika Jaeggli, Emily Potts, Rachel Henson, and curator Maria Haag.
In each artist’s work, a living organism forms a nucleus, around which the slow accumulation of layers creates a rich surface structure. Water, the womb of life, serves as the nexus of transformation for each work. Animal bones stretch into shards of glacial glass; mold and bacteria grow and dry into desiccated skin. Mental stressors drip into an overwhelming physical patchwork. Stalagmites and stalactites accumulate new waxy layers like a second skin. A mass of hair on the rock-strewn ground, dappled by raindrop reflections and road lights, expands and contracts in slow breaths.
About the Artists:
Reception: June 07, 2024 | 6-9 pm
Arts Fort Worth
1300 Gendy Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
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