October 02 - December 24,2009
The full title of this show is actually Celebrating Our Creative Spirit: Texas Federation of Fiber Artists. According to the press release, over 90 pieces were selected from 225 submissions. Which means anyone who submitted had a better than 40% chance of getting in the show. Which sounds suspiciously like a show that still needs editing. HCCC does a great job generally, but they have a weakness for cramming their gallery overfull with exhibits that would be so much stronger with so much less. Does "craft" have to mean "we couldn't find our red pen"? To be fair, an outside curator (Tim Harding) put this show together and it may very well be a great, tight show. But we still maintain that HCCC needs to get tougher in weeding out weaker stuff with these group exhibits. And stay away from treacly titles like Celebrating Our Creative Spirit.
Houston Center for Contemporary Craft - HCCC
4848 Main Street
Houston, TX 77002
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