September 18 - October 21,2010
Box 13 Artspace is pleased to present four new exhibitions to start the Fall season. Carlos Rosales Silva presents studies of Mexican-American and Native American culture in, I Am Immortal I Have Inside Me Blood of Kings. Rebecca Finley's photographs of interactions with strangers are also in A Close Distance. Through drawings and installation, Lauren Moya Ford and Debra Barrera explore personal identity in Techno Cumbia while Lina Dib transforms the BOX Stairwell into an interactive sound installation with Sounds for Stairs. While your there, check out new work by JoAnn Park, Jocelyn Shipley, and Christoph Huppi with Ariane Roesch.
BOX13 Art Space
6700 Harrisburg Blvd.
Houston, TX 77001
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