May 20 - May 22,2017
If you have a free day, join CounterCrawl for this twelve-hour event! 12:30 La Playa 2719 Alabama St. Bike Workshop Community Gardening Potluck Brunch/Lunch Sound Art/Musical Performance (TBA) 2:30 Solidarity Houston 6733 Harrisburg Blvd Houston, TX 77011 Manifesto Poetry/Spoken Word Showcase Stand-Up Comedy 4:00 on METRO Rail into Heights area Choreographed Dance Flash Mob 4:30ish @ Secret Spot (Location announced day of event) Megan Easley Water Station Instructables with Tracy Hamblin Community Gardening Tarot and Magic with a "K" Open Jam Acoustic Music Performances 6:30 Dan Electro's Guitar Bar 1031 E 24th St Community Gardening Musical Performances from Cajo and Sex Witch Open Jam at the performance platform in the back Visual Art Show indoors and in the trees 8:30 The Houston Foundry 1712 Burnett St Art Burn/HeART Burn/Burning Effigy Visual Art Show Musical Performances (TBA)