March 11 - March 22,2020 For more than 20 years The University of Texas At Dallas has sponsored, along with the Texas Visual Arts Association, this diverse array of artistic expressions coming out of the North Texas for outstanding area high school talents; each year providing a jury comprised of 3 recognized Dallas artists, art writers, and institutional professionals in the arts. In addition, the exhibition now its 5,000 sq. ft. SP/N Gallery and has awarded on average over $2,200 in prize awards to 20 young talents each year. With over 1,000 entries a year of which 10 % are chosen, the exhibition is considered one of the highest profile competitions of high school art offered in Texas. It has a reputation for awarding works that are uniquely innovative, conceptually informed, highly crafted and experimentally adventurous in material use and subject. We would especially like to extend thanks to all the incredibly dedicated art teachers for inspiring their students’ participation each year with works that have made this exhibition the huge success that it has become over these many years. This years Jurors were Emily Edwards- Curatorial Associate at the Dallas Contemporary Museum, Kristen Cochran- artist and educator and Darryl Ratcliff- art writer, curator and organizer of socially engaged art. To follow up: The Artist Advisory Board at UTD will institute an Annual Juried Art Exhibition featuring the best of works being created in the DFW area Community College art programs.
SP/N Gallery at Synergy Park North 2 (UT Dallas)
3020 Stewart Dr.
Richardson, Texas 75080
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