April 17 - May 16,2021
To register for the upcoming panel discussion on April 22, 2021, go here. To register for the upcoming panel discussion on April 24, 2021, go here. From Sin Huellas Artist Collective and Detention Nation: "The Sin Huellas Artist Collective and the Department of Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Houston present Detention Nation alongside the Hostile Terrain 94 Installation and Two Virtual Panel Discussions. The artist-activist installations will be exhibited in the front lobby space of the Blaffer Art Museum. The installation will be on view from April 17 to May 16, 2021. The virtual panel discussions will be held on Thursday, April 22 and Saturday, April 24. The Detention Nation virtual art space launches on April 17 at www.detentionnation.com with virtual performances by Julia Barbosa Landois, Veronica Gaona, Jessica Gonzalez, Karen Martinez, and Erick Zambrano."
Panel: April 22, 2021 | 6-7 pm
Alter-Realities: Intervening in the Politics of Immigrant Incarceration and Migration Control. See event for registration.
Panel: April 24, 2021 | 2-3 pm
From Migrant Struggle to Mass Resistance: Emergent Practices in Uncertain Times. See event for registration.
Blaffer Art Museum
120 University of Houston Fine Arts Building
Houston, TX 77204-4018
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