July 01 - August 28,2022
From LHUCA: "Dexter Woods is the Clay Studio Manager at LHUCA, his current work is entitled, The Ebullient Raven: Facet. The artist states, “My current body of work is multifaceted. The act of cutting away to distill meaning and purpose while also encapsulating different sections of thought encased in stone. Exploring nature has afforded the work to have stiff geometric structure accompanied by organic movement particularly inspired by the desert landscape. Some pieces translate the written word into expressive form using diary entries and depicting them into line and color. Throughout the pots and sculpture, the work is reflecting different narratives and moments of curiosity. “ Image Yellow Basin Platter 2019 Size: 17x17x8 inch Material: Soda fired stoneware"
On View: July 01, 2022 | 12-5 pm
511 Ave K
Lubbock, Texas 79401
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