January 14 - February 18,2023
From Heidi Vaughan Fine Art: "HEIDI VAUGHAN FINE ART is proud to present Petals and Spikes, an exhibition of new paintings by Texas-artist and feminist activist Thedra Cullar-Ledford. The show opens on Saturday, January 14, 2023, and runs through Saturday, February 18, 2023, at the gallery, located at 3510 Lake Street at Colquitt in Gallery Row in the Upper Kirby district. The opening will take place on Thedra’s birthday. Guests are asked to wear a costume, something creative and artistic, or something pink in her honor to the party. Hours on opening day are 11 to 5, with the party from 5 to 8. A retrospective book highlighting the artist’s oeuvre, including works from Petals and Spikes, has been created by Stephen Cullar-Ledford and will be available during the show.
Petals and Spikes continues the long, historic tradition of artists who find inspiration in flowers. Examples date to ancient cave paintings and Egyptian tombs, Medieval millefleur tapestries, works by Italian Renaissance artists, including masterpieces like Botticelli’s bountiful Primavera, to the still life paintings of Old Dutch Masters; from Monet’s 250 Water Lilies paintings to Van Gogh’s Sunflowers series, Klimt’s lush and exuberant flower garden paintings, to Matisse’s bouquets of flowers, the Pop flowers repeated by Warhol, and Murakami’s joyously smiling flowers, all the way to Koons’ gigantic balloon flowers of today."
On View: January 14, 2023 | 11-5 pm
Heidi Vaughan Fine Art
3510 Lake Street
Houston, Texas 77098
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