May 13 - May 13,2023
From the organizers:
"The Oak Cliff Visual SpeedBump Art Tour 2023 is here! This year’s SpeedBump will include a variety of stops including Dragon Fire Pottery; Savoy-Street-Studio; Elizabeth Mellot; Rob Conover; FurrRader Workshop; Oak Cliff Pottery; Chuck & George; and the Devine Shrine! The tour runs from noon to 6 on Saturday May 13th, 2023. Google map is on the website as is a preview of the SpeedBumps. Grab a friend and hit the road!
Chuck & George @ C&G
Ray-Mel Cornelius @ C&G
Brett Ardon @ C&G
Mylan Nguyen @ C&G
Paige Furr @ FurrRaderWorkshop
Kate Foster @ FurrRaderWorkshop
Peggy Lee Oster @ Savoy St. Studio
Gillian Bradshaw-Smith @ Savoy St. Studio
Tom Sales @ Savoy St. Studio
Elizabeth Mellot
James Olney @ OC Pottery
SpeedBump-Sigh @ C&G"