Michael Corris & Tino Ward: “Move along, there’s nothing to see here”: A Thought Experiment, Illustrated
May 27 - August 19,2023
From Liliana Bloch Gallery:
"This collaborative project by Michael Corris and Tino Ward conjoins two enthusiasms of the artists: exploring the intersection of art and philosophy, and the art of papermaking. In this new project, nine red monochromes made of handmade paper are accompanied by nine panels of text printed in inkjet of PVC. Each paper monochrome is paired with a text panel that is a transcription of a Q&A between the artists and the Artificial Intelligence program, CHATGPT-4. The initial question posed to the AI program asks it to explain, in simple terms, Arthur Danto’s famous thought experiment involving an exhibition of nine identical red monochromes. In Danto’s original account of the thought experiment, which may be found in his book The Transfiguration of the Commonplace: A Philosophy of Art (1981), each of the nine red monochromes is paired with a title. It should be noted that Danto’s titles (used to title Ward’s monochromes) differ completely from the titles that CHATGPT-4 generated for Corris’ panels."