July 01 - July 29,2023
From Redbud Arts Center: "Mark you calendars for the opening reception of David Adickes' exhibit Saturday, July 1, 2023 from 6pm-9pm. David Pryor Adickes was born in Huntsville, Texas. He earned his undergraduate degree in physics and mathematics from Sam Houston State College (now University). The summer after graduation, he attended the Kansas City Art Institute and realized that art was what he really wanted to do. Adickes used his G.I. Bill to study painting in Paris with modern master, Fernand Leger. He returned to Houston and began painting and sculpting full-time. A visit to his downtown warehouse included the Presidents' Heads who Adickes is widely known for amongst other sculptures one of which has been showcased on the Richmond Sculpture Trail. After a speedy ride back to his home to view more treasures, small scale bronze sculptures caught our eyes. Adickes entertained us with self published jokes you may hear at the opening and we concluded our visit with offering him a show. On Saturday, July 1, you will have the pleasure to view his bronzes which have rarely been shown and are of a variety of subjects."
Reception: July 01, 2023 | 6-9 pm
Redbud Arts Center
303 East 11th Street
Houston, TX 77008
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