"The Mexican American Museum of Texas in Collaboration with the Latin American Studies
program at the University of Dallas to Bring the exhibit: Life and Death on the Border 1910-1920 to
North Texas.
Life and Death on the Border 1910-1920 was produced by the
Bullock Texas State History Museum in partnership with the Refusing to Forget Project, an
award-winning educational nonprofit on racial violence on the Mexico-Texas Border. The exhibit
will open on May 5, 2024, and will be on display through October 15, 2024, at the University of Dallas,
Beatrice M. Haggerty Gallery.
As described by TMAMT Board member, Ruben Arellano, PhD, in
his Introduction to the exhibit, The Life and Death on the Border exhibit focuses on the decade
between 1910 and 1920, a time of great violence and upheaval along the Texas-Mexico border.
It examines the causes and effects of state-sanctioned racial violence against ethnic Mexicans
and explores the actions that Mexican Americans took to advance the cause of justice and civil